Tuesday, September 30, 2008


when i eat too much hummus it makes me vomit
lets grab the bong and play video games
i dont have time for community basketball
hey yall make the switch to digital

im watching you hippies on closed ciruit tv's
the drum circle has poison in it

ohh my vibe has a hole in it
ohh my tribe has a bone pile in it
ohh the skulls are on the pulpit

modern problems
sad modern doldrums
cant compete with tribal beats
on brown earthern streets

lets make a digital tribe
with monitors and bones to seal a vibe
keyboards help mash grains
cats eat the mouses and get lead solder in their brains

we have to come to an agreement
peyote and processors can mix
put new batteries in all the effects boxes
we are losing the audience rapidly
start soloing

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